Main features of Wazuh in VK cloud

Wazuh modules for VK Cloud

Collecting and analyzing events that occur in the VK cloud is done using native integration between VK cloud and Wazuh

  • The audit module for Wazuh is designed to collect and analyze data from Activity Log . Currently available version v1.0.1, which supports data collection for the following services.

    • cinder - Events related to VM disks.
    • nova - Events related to the computational resources controller
    • neutron - Events related to cloud virtual networks
    • glance - Events related to storing and working with images.
    • octavia - Events related to load balancer management.
    • dbaas, trove - Events related to creating and managing database instances.
    • magnum - Events related to K8s-containers.
    • quota - Events related to project quotas
    • iam - Events related to users in the project.

Examples of events

Web interface